
Children, Communication, Courage, Fear, Identity, Life, Love, Race, Self-Care, Self-worth, Support Others, 2020, Emotional Health, Mental Health

My World Unapologetically Revolves Around Me

That’s where I found myself… overwhelmed, sad and tired. So much so that I actually went to the doctor.  I thought I was sick. I told him that I was just so tired and no matter how much I rested; I never felt like it was enough. Then he asked me about my mental emotional state.  At first I was confused. Like, what do my emotions have to do with me being tired? Apparently, everything. My dear friend, restorative justice guru, Dr. Shaniqua Jones says, “Sleep won’t help if it’s your soul that’s tired.”. I don’t know if truer words have ever been spoken. My soul was tired.

I went home that day and reevaluated my… everything. I didn’t even realize how my inability to reconcile my choices against the expectations of other folks was effecting me. This is why it is so important to be dialed into yourself. You need to reflect and question yourself about yourself. 

2019, Celebration, Communication, Emotional Health, Family, Holidays, Life, Love, Mental Health, Relationships, Self-Care, Support Others

Sometimes the Joy of The Season Brings Sadness

The holiday season is fully upon us. There’s less than one week before Christmas and I am super excited. Christmas is a family favorite. Obviously, the children love it because… GIFTS. I’ve tried to provide the giving is better than receiving narrative and they think that’s great and all, but they’re children. So yeah… YAY GIFTS!!! Hahaha! 

I grew up in a house where Christmas was a big deal. I mean, multiple Christmas trees, decorations everywhere, gifts galore and the joy of the season in abundance. My mother orchestrated the production of Christmas and injected it into everyone around her. So, it still stands. The tradition is firmly planted. 

Imma be honest though. Christmas stresses me out. We have four children. That’s a lot of seasonal “joy” to spread around. And it’s not even all the money. Trust— there’s a lot of it being spent. It’s the doing of it all. And I’m conflicted; right? Because I love the outcome of the doing. I even actually love the act of doing, but it is also wearing me out. 

Celebration, 2019, Children, Holidays, Love, Life, Parenting, Identity

The Elf on the Shelf: An Investment in Love

She’s growing and maturing. My selfish girl who is usually, always only thinking of her 13 year old self is thinking of us all. She knows having the elves brings joy to our entire family. She understand that I’m really trying and I want this experience for them, even if it is coming late. She knows her momma is working extra hard to develop a legacy that will help children for generations. She knows I’m burning the candle at both ends. She knows that I have more on my plate than I can handle. She knows that some things will go undone as a result.

Usually the things that go undone are laundry and home cooked meals, but right now the elves seem to be the thing I couldn’t maintain. Somehow, she understands the significance of the elves to our family; even if she doesn’t quite understand what it means to me to have her help me in this way.

As moms, we sometimes beat ourselves up for being distracted and disconnected. We question our impact and influence as mothers when our children are rude, selfish or inconsiderate. We beat ourselves up for not being enough for our children… for not doing enough or giving them enough. This whole situation reminded me that I am enough at all times— even when I am distracted, disconnected and forgetful.

2019, Communication, Courage, Emotional Health, Fear, Health, Identity, Life, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Help, social media

Don't Worry Be Happy is a Song; Not an Antidote for Anxiety and Depression

I’m leaning into transparency and vulnerability today.

I want to apologize.

Life is hard. I don’t look at the world through rose colored lenses. I don’t think anyone should. I think you should work towards the life you want until you see the life you want. While I believe you can choose to be happy; I know it’s more nuanced than just deciding. For my friends and readers who are living with depression and anxiety. I see you. I am you. 

2019, Children, Communication, Courage, Education, Emotional Health, Family, Fear, Goals, Identity, Life, Love, Parenting

It's Impossible To Get Parenting Right... Do Your Best

Parenting is hard. I’ve said it in the past. I’m saying it now. And I’m pretty confident I’ll say it many times in the future. Parenting. Is. Hard. Everyone talks about baby showers, beautiful birth stories and funny toddler tales, but no one is discussing, flatly, the difficulty associated with raising children. Why can’t we stop using our children as a measurement of how much better we are than other mothers? Why don’t we all just admit we don’t know what the hell we’re doing and meet at Chili’s for $5 margaritas to discuss strategies and support each other???

Do I ground him for this? How many fruit snacks is too many? Should she be friends with that girl? Why won’t he stop lying? At what age should they date? How many wipes should I use before I give him a bath? How much fast food is too much fast food? Why am I more uncomfortable watching love scenes than violence with them? Is cookie dough really bad for them?

At the present moment I am feeling a little anxious about choices we are making for our children and choices they are making for themselves. This isn’t a positive or negative admission. It’s just me standing in my truth.

2019, Celebration, Communication, Emotional Health, Family, Friendship, Holidays, Life, Love, Media, Relationships, social media, Spread love

Social Media: The Great Alienator

Social media in theory is an amazing tool for enhancing relationships. Too many of us are using it as the canvas for our relationships when it should only be one of the brushes we use to paint. It’s one way to manage relationships; not the only way. It’s supposed to bring us together, but the truth is that it does the exact opposite. It gives a false sense of unity because you can see what’s going on in the lives of others even when you’re not an active participant. Some of our friends are at the end of their proverbial rope and we don’t know because we’re using Facebook pictures and posts to determine their mental and emotional well being. You think you know what’s going on, but you really have no idea. 

Smiling faces tell lies.

For me, it’s the difference between shopping online and walking into the store. From the comfort of your device you can see the color, size and fabric. That is good information. But… You cannot feel the weight of the material, the vibrance of the color or how it fits on your body. 

2018, Communication, Emotional Health, Fear, Identity, Life, Love, Media, Mental Health, Relationships, Self-Care, Support Others, social media, Spread love

Reflection or Projection: How Do You See It?

I love this platform… this blog I created to share my experiences and express myself. On the surface that’s what this blog is. It’s a tangible conduit for my thoughts. In essence, it’s a journal. A very public journal. Everything I write here is true. Don’t get me wrong, I love creative writing and I have some of that in my repertoire too. Still, the only creative license I take when writing here is the names I change to protect privacy.

I use my life as a catalyst for reflection. I am transparent to influence and impact those who humble me by reading my words. I think it’s funny though… Sometimes, I start writing and I influence and impact my own self #Winning. It can be frustrating because I start writing with the end in mind and then I get in it and reflection takes me somewhere else. I love writing. I love reflection more.

2018, Celebration, Courage, Communication, Emotional Health, Fear, Goals, Identity, Life, Love, New Year, Self-Care, Work

Your Best Life Is Not In The Future

Love and time cannot be finished.

It follows that the time we get to live our best lives for our best selves is also incomplete.

I remember when Aaliyah died. I was so hurt. I met her once, but I didn’t know her. Still, I cried and lamented on a life lost way too soon. She felt like a friend. Her swag was ridiculous, we were close in age, and everyone loved her. Her death felt… close. 

The one thing that made me feel better after her death was the life she led. She came from a wonderful family. She experienced great love and she accomplished so much. Regardless if you liked her singing or acting— She did it all. Aaliyah was a successful, world renowned artist. She was going for it. She was striving to live her best life. I was so proud of her for that then… even as I failed to give myself the same gift.

2018, Children, Communication, Education, Identity, Life, Love, Parenting, Relationships, Family

Help Comes In All Sizes: Put Your Children To Work

It is irresponsible to do all the housework in a home full of able bodied individuals. Put your mini-me’s to work. They need to understand what it takes for everything in the house to GO! I don’t know about y’all, but there isn’t a magic fairy that puts away groceries and washes dishes at my house. So... my children do it🤷🏽‍♀️😂. 

I love my lil babies. There are few things that bring me greater joy than their happiness, but their happiness cannot come at the expense of me. The happiness of your children is not more important that you. So, while we work hard to provide them with a particular lifestyle; they need to understand that it is their shared responsibility to help maintain it… all of it.

Communication, 2018, Identity, Life, Love, Mental health, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth

Secrets and Privacy: It's Not Just Semantics

Anytime you have the desire to lie you need to stop and reflect. Fear is the only reason we lie. We keep secrets because we don’t want to feel the judgement of others. While no one may ever know the truth; you will always feel the shame.

2018, Career, Fear, Identity, Life, Love, Mental Health, Parenting, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help

Social Media: Strategically Chosen Excerpts From Various Books of Life

I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again today. You are your only competition. The moment you start competing with other people; you've already lost.  The only person I want to be better than is the woman I was yesterday. And listen, I think the woman I was yesterday is pretty dope, but I know on this journey there’s always room for growth.  I cannot compare the today me against the today you because it is impossible to do and it just doesn’t make sense.

In scientific terms, when doing an experiment, to see the similarities and differences in something you would have to watch those things exclusively from start to finish; recording everything.  You would need to know all variables or things effecting the subjects of the experiment.  And therein lies the problem with social media. You can not see all the variables in the life of someone else. 

2018, Communication, Life, Love, Relationships, Celebration

Gratitude Isn't Just an Attitude

Maybe I’m a little old fashioned in this area.  I don’t know.  Getting a hand written note will literally bring a tear to my eye.  All this texting and technology has taken so much of the human element out of what should be very personal interactions.  Typed thank you cards??? I know it’s the quick way to do it.  Have all the thank you cards pre-printed, sign them and just drop them in the mail.  I’m not judging you.  I’m just saying.  The people in attendance didn’t take the quick way.  They were thoughtful in their scheduling and they found money in their budget for you.  You need to say thank you appropriately.

2018, Children, Communication, Death, Fear, Friendship, Grief, Holidays, Life, Love, Parenting, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth, Sickness

A Lesson In Empathy: The Almost Death of My Mother

I cannot imagine the turmoil, the pain, the absolute heartbreak of her absence in my life.  As Mother’s Day approaches many will be faced with the reality of more than “almost”.  They will wake up every single day with their beloved mothers still in heaven.  While the Christian thing to do is to rejoice knowing that she is with her heavenly father… the heart of a motherless child can hardly find peace; let alone rejoice. 

2018, Communication, Courage, Friendship, Identity, Life, Love, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth

Empty Handed Annie's and Andy's Have No Place Here

So when people came to our home to drink and eat and be merry, but didn’t share the love I didn’t understand. What does it mean to share the love?  Some might view this response as petty or punitive, but I’m just here to share my truth.  If my truth doesn’t resonate with you—you might just be the kind of person who doesn’t share the love.

Communication, 2018, Identity, Life, Love, Mental health, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help

Secrets and Privacy: It's Not Just Semantics

Anytime you have the desire to lie you need to stop and reflect. Fear is the only reason we lie. We keep secrets because we don’t want to feel the judgement of others. While no one may ever know the truth; you will always feel the shame.