
2020, Communication, Death, Disease, Emotional Health, Fear, Grief, Health, Life, Mental Health, Self-Help, Support Others, Religion

Reject Religious Dogma: Faith and Fear Can Co-Exist Together

I’m just… I’m like, come on God.

Can you please get your people??? Especially the ones who keep admonishing folks who are afraid. I don’t mean GET THEM. I mean get them. Can you let this virus kill religious dogma? We could start there. These religious folks are I R R A T A T I N G and dangerous. Confessing fear is indicative of a lack of faith? God’s got you. So, you can still be in these streets? *face palm*

I cannot be afraid and have faith??? I do not want that religion.

The bible says God is my strength and refuge. He is my hiding place and my shield. When do people hide? If I am not allowed to be afraid, if I have risen above every adversity; why do I need strength, refuge, a shield or a hiding place? Why do I need God? All this religious dogma and hierarchy amongst human beings has folks either lying or denying the fullness of this emotional and mental experience in an effort to appear more closely connected to God.

The truth is, God has given us a place to hide in Him.

Man… Y’all not even using God right.

Children, Communication, Courage, Fear, Identity, Life, Love, Race, Self-Care, Self-worth, Support Others, 2020, Emotional Health, Mental Health

My World Unapologetically Revolves Around Me

That’s where I found myself… overwhelmed, sad and tired. So much so that I actually went to the doctor.  I thought I was sick. I told him that I was just so tired and no matter how much I rested; I never felt like it was enough. Then he asked me about my mental emotional state.  At first I was confused. Like, what do my emotions have to do with me being tired? Apparently, everything. My dear friend, restorative justice guru, Dr. Shaniqua Jones says, “Sleep won’t help if it’s your soul that’s tired.”. I don’t know if truer words have ever been spoken. My soul was tired.

I went home that day and reevaluated my… everything. I didn’t even realize how my inability to reconcile my choices against the expectations of other folks was effecting me. This is why it is so important to be dialed into yourself. You need to reflect and question yourself about yourself. 

2020, Career Goals, Celebration, Death, Emotional Health, Friendship, Family, Grief, Life, Love, Relationships, Self-Care

Grief is Just Abandoned Love

When death comes to visit, it can be so devastating. All we feel is loss. We feel that our heart bank is in the negative, but that’s just our pain. Grief is really just an overabundance of love that doesn’t have a receptacle to receive it. Think of a bottle filled with your favorite beverage poured right onto the counter…  The beverage is amazingly delicious and refreshing from a glass, but when you pour it onto the counter it makes quite a mess… an inconvenient, unpretty, unpredictable, nasty mess. The drink… is amazing when it has a place to go, but when the designated vessel is missing— the drink… the love… the thing that once brought so much joy suddenly hurts like hell. That’s grief.

I choose to believe that in each loss, when someone is taken from us… something is left behind.

2019, Family, Emotional Health, Identity, Love, Life, Marriage, Parenting, Communication

My Life Is Unpretty and Absolutely Beautiful

Think of social media as a scrap book or family photo album. Picture your mother or grandmothers photo album on the coffee table. I don’t know about you, but I have seen those photos a hundred times and I never tire of them. They make me feel good. In every picture, the subjects can be found living, laughing and loving. In every picture I feel positive energy. 

I haven’t seen a photo of a divorce decree, a police report from a domestic dispute, a custody order or a child’s failing report card in there. I’m sure the people in the photos experienced some of those things. YET… I have never had any expectation to find that information or evidence of that information in the photo album. I look at that book to see the very best of the people in it; not the worst. So, why do we look at social media any different?

Stop crucifying folks for only showing you the best of their life. That behavior only exposes the worst in you.

2019, Children, Communication, Courage, Discrimination, Education, Emotional Health, Family, Grief, Identity, Life, Love, Mental Health, Parenting, Race, Self-Help, Spread love

Transparency: The Gateway To Emotional Freedom

I am so happy to be writing today. Describing the last almost three months as difficult would be a major understatement . I have wanted to write— to tell you what my family and I have been facing. I have wanted to write about the truth of walking my child through a traumatic experience. I have wanted to share the intimate details of a helpless mother… the heartache of watching the best parts of you become the darkest part of you.

But this is my safe space… my joy.

This is a blog read by many people and yet it still feels so intimate to me. I didn’t want to tarnish it by discussing an experience I haven’t healed from. I didn’t want to transfer these negative emotions. I’ve been so angry and sad and angry and enraged.

2019, Communication, Courage, Emotional Health, Fear, Friendship, Family, Identity, Life, Health, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Help, Relationships

Personal Evolution is a Trip and I Can't Stop Falling.

I don’t like belaboring anything. I work hard, in fact, not to do it because it’s rooted in ego; not understanding… annnnd I don’t like it done to me. I am a person who will travel to a far away land in my mind if someone keeps saying the same thing repeatedly after I’ve demonstrated understanding. However, there is a distinct difference between belaboring and reminding or reinforcing.

*Stick with me. This isn’t a thesis.

Belaboring speaks to continued talking for the purpose of self-aggrandisement after the point is made and understood. It’s for the speaker. Reminding and reinforcing speaks to bridging the gap between knowing, understanding and execution. It’s for the recipient.  Belaboring is punishment. Reminding and reinforcing are tools of continued learning.

I said all that to say, personal evolution is hard AF, and not enough people understand this.

2018, Celebration, Christmas, Death, Emotional Health, Grief, Health, Holidays, Life, Medical Professionals, Mental Health

How To Fight the Winter... Holiday... Lonely...Grieving... Blues

I’m a sunshine girl. The sun makes me feel invigorated. It makes anything that I am doing so much better. It’s funny because as much as I love the actual sun; I am a huge proponent of carrying your sunshine on the inside. I determine my mood; not the weather. I am the thermostat.

Still, I’m not feeling it today. Which proves the journey of positive thinking and practice is ongoing.

Reflection helps me to be more intentionally empathetic. As an individual who isn’t living with anxiety, depression or grief, but who still feels”UGH!” During repeated overcast days; how do folks who regularly live with these negative emotions feel?

2018, Communication, Emotional Health, Fear, Identity, Life, Love, Media, Mental Health, Relationships, Self-Care, Support Others, social media, Spread love

Reflection or Projection: How Do You See It?

I love this platform… this blog I created to share my experiences and express myself. On the surface that’s what this blog is. It’s a tangible conduit for my thoughts. In essence, it’s a journal. A very public journal. Everything I write here is true. Don’t get me wrong, I love creative writing and I have some of that in my repertoire too. Still, the only creative license I take when writing here is the names I change to protect privacy.

I use my life as a catalyst for reflection. I am transparent to influence and impact those who humble me by reading my words. I think it’s funny though… Sometimes, I start writing and I influence and impact my own self #Winning. It can be frustrating because I start writing with the end in mind and then I get in it and reflection takes me somewhere else. I love writing. I love reflection more.

2018, Courage, Health, Identity, Life, Love, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth, Emotional Health

You Are The Source: Reclaim Your Power

I will discuss shame and guilt often during our walk together. I see shame and guilt together as one dangerous pandemic… heart disease. The implications are far-reaching and catastrophic in their impact. Guilt and shame affect our worthiness… the essence of who we are as individuals. They tell us that we were complicit in what happened and in the manner in which it occurred. As such, we should be forever enslaved by the choices of our past. We don’t deserve joy. We don’t deserve peace. We don’t deserve restoration. 

Of course those are all lies. Unfortunately, not enough people know this.

Communication, 2018, Identity, Life, Love, Mental health, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth

Secrets and Privacy: It's Not Just Semantics

Anytime you have the desire to lie you need to stop and reflect. Fear is the only reason we lie. We keep secrets because we don’t want to feel the judgement of others. While no one may ever know the truth; you will always feel the shame.

2018, Career, Fear, Identity, Life, Love, Mental Health, Parenting, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help

Social Media: Strategically Chosen Excerpts From Various Books of Life

I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again today. You are your only competition. The moment you start competing with other people; you've already lost.  The only person I want to be better than is the woman I was yesterday. And listen, I think the woman I was yesterday is pretty dope, but I know on this journey there’s always room for growth.  I cannot compare the today me against the today you because it is impossible to do and it just doesn’t make sense.

In scientific terms, when doing an experiment, to see the similarities and differences in something you would have to watch those things exclusively from start to finish; recording everything.  You would need to know all variables or things effecting the subjects of the experiment.  And therein lies the problem with social media. You can not see all the variables in the life of someone else. 

Communication, 2018, Identity, Life, Love, Mental health, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help

Secrets and Privacy: It's Not Just Semantics

Anytime you have the desire to lie you need to stop and reflect. Fear is the only reason we lie. We keep secrets because we don’t want to feel the judgement of others. While no one may ever know the truth; you will always feel the shame.