Medical Professionals

2018, Celebration, Christmas, Death, Emotional Health, Grief, Health, Holidays, Life, Medical Professionals, Mental Health

How To Fight the Winter... Holiday... Lonely...Grieving... Blues

I’m a sunshine girl. The sun makes me feel invigorated. It makes anything that I am doing so much better. It’s funny because as much as I love the actual sun; I am a huge proponent of carrying your sunshine on the inside. I determine my mood; not the weather. I am the thermostat.

Still, I’m not feeling it today. Which proves the journey of positive thinking and practice is ongoing.

Reflection helps me to be more intentionally empathetic. As an individual who isn’t living with anxiety, depression or grief, but who still feels”UGH!” During repeated overcast days; how do folks who regularly live with these negative emotions feel?

2018, Celebration, Courage, Disease, Emotional Health, Fear, Health, Identity, Life, Love, Medical Professionals

The Liberation of a Hysterectomy

Revealing my struggles felt like weakness. Until recently, I prided myself on being the strong one. So, I refused to disclose the fullness of my pain. But people love me. Without fail, they all wanted to comfort me. They all wanted to fill in the places I could not. A few wanted to know everything. Others wanted to get by with as little information as possible. And I get it. I think people understand the complexities of choosing to have a hysterectomy.

After all, 40 it is relatively young to remove reproductive organs. In this day and age many women, at 40, are just embarking on their first pregnancy. Women are choosing to a party, travel and pursue their careers as priorities over marriage and children. I, of course, think this is wonderful. It means that more women are choosing to invest in the desires of their own hearts rather than the desires of their circle of influence or the insistence of the world that marriage and motherhood define womanhood.

2018, Death, Disease, Fear, Grief, Friendship, Health, Identity, Life, Love, Medical Professionals, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth, Spread love

Choose Life... Choose You.

I know the heart wrenching impact of suicide and the extreme, desperate heart and mind space one has to be in to make that choice.  I also have friends who suffer from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and perhaps other mental illnesses I know nothing about.  I worry about them.  I worry when they get to quiet and when they stay away too long.  I wonder if my phone is gonna ring with the grief of a parent or sibling telling me they’ve chosen their own final act on the stage of life—  I am sometimes terrified by the knowing… the knowing that no matter how beautiful, intelligent, witty and resourceful I find you— that if you don’t see it in yourself what I think doesn’t matter.

2018, Communication, Courage, Disease, Fear, Identity, Life, Love, Medical Professionals, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Help, Sickness, Spread love, Support Others

Mental Illness Isn't Hot Sauce... Stop Putting It On Everything.

When people we know, like and or love behave badly we want answers.  I honestly think it’s a natural response.  Inquiry and curiosity are tools we use to acquire information and keep ourselves safe. We assess situations and people and leverage a judgement based on what we know.  BUT… How can we do that if we don’t know what happened and why?

2018, Love, Life, Parenting, Medical Professionals, Death, Disease, Children

My Boy.

According to the CDC, cogenital heart defects are the most common birth defect in the United States and affect about 40,000 births per year.  And while childhood cancers make up less than 1% of all cancers diagnosed each year; even one child with cancer is one too many. Because that 1% means shit to the momma who is drowning in worry and sadness and uncertainty and fear.