
Children, Communication, Courage, Fear, Identity, Life, Love, Race, Self-Care, Self-worth, Support Others, 2020, Emotional Health, Mental Health

My World Unapologetically Revolves Around Me

That’s where I found myself… overwhelmed, sad and tired. So much so that I actually went to the doctor.  I thought I was sick. I told him that I was just so tired and no matter how much I rested; I never felt like it was enough. Then he asked me about my mental emotional state.  At first I was confused. Like, what do my emotions have to do with me being tired? Apparently, everything. My dear friend, restorative justice guru, Dr. Shaniqua Jones says, “Sleep won’t help if it’s your soul that’s tired.”. I don’t know if truer words have ever been spoken. My soul was tired.

I went home that day and reevaluated my… everything. I didn’t even realize how my inability to reconcile my choices against the expectations of other folks was effecting me. This is why it is so important to be dialed into yourself. You need to reflect and question yourself about yourself. 

2019, Celebration, Communication, Emotional Health, Family, Holidays, Life, Love, Mental Health, Relationships, Self-Care, Support Others

Sometimes the Joy of The Season Brings Sadness

The holiday season is fully upon us. There’s less than one week before Christmas and I am super excited. Christmas is a family favorite. Obviously, the children love it because… GIFTS. I’ve tried to provide the giving is better than receiving narrative and they think that’s great and all, but they’re children. So yeah… YAY GIFTS!!! Hahaha! 

I grew up in a house where Christmas was a big deal. I mean, multiple Christmas trees, decorations everywhere, gifts galore and the joy of the season in abundance. My mother orchestrated the production of Christmas and injected it into everyone around her. So, it still stands. The tradition is firmly planted. 

Imma be honest though. Christmas stresses me out. We have four children. That’s a lot of seasonal “joy” to spread around. And it’s not even all the money. Trust— there’s a lot of it being spent. It’s the doing of it all. And I’m conflicted; right? Because I love the outcome of the doing. I even actually love the act of doing, but it is also wearing me out. 

2019, Death, Emotional Health, Life, Mental Health, Self-Care

I'm Glad You're Here

When people see you, you look good. People love you, you laugh a lot… by societies standards you’re successful, you have friends and you’re gorgeous. You don’t see what they see.

Depression distorts the lens of your life. 

You don’t see whole reflections. Your view is produced by a dirty, broken mirror. 

The first thing you hear when you wake up, the last thing you hear before you go to bed and in every single free space in between, your mind hears that sad song and those demeaning words together, infinitely looped… convincing you that this world and you would be better served without your existence.

2019, Communication, Emotional Health, Education, Identity, Love, Life, Mental Health, Parenting, Relationships

Babies... Bullies... and Bullsh.....

I thought she just needed to warm up to the new school year. We were in a new grade, in a new building. Transitions can be challenging. I reasoned that anyone might need a few days to settle in. Then, things quickly escalated. She didn’t want to go to school. The final straw was when I had to go pick her up 2 days in a row because the office called me with her bawling in the background. 

Up until that point I thought she was having a little separation anxiety. Which would have been standard. But, it wasn’t that she was crying. It was the way she was crying. The desperation and fear. The way she clung to me let me know that something was very wrong. This was more than separation anxiety. My girl… my effervescent star was losing her shine.

2019, Communication, Courage, Emotional Health, Fear, Friendship, Family, Identity, Life, Health, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Help, Relationships

Personal Evolution is a Trip and I Can't Stop Falling.

I don’t like belaboring anything. I work hard, in fact, not to do it because it’s rooted in ego; not understanding… annnnd I don’t like it done to me. I am a person who will travel to a far away land in my mind if someone keeps saying the same thing repeatedly after I’ve demonstrated understanding. However, there is a distinct difference between belaboring and reminding or reinforcing.

*Stick with me. This isn’t a thesis.

Belaboring speaks to continued talking for the purpose of self-aggrandisement after the point is made and understood. It’s for the speaker. Reminding and reinforcing speaks to bridging the gap between knowing, understanding and execution. It’s for the recipient.  Belaboring is punishment. Reminding and reinforcing are tools of continued learning.

I said all that to say, personal evolution is hard AF, and not enough people understand this.

2019, Communication, Emotional Health, Family, Friendship, Identity, Life, Love, Relationships, Spread love

Umbrellas: A Metaphor for Friendship

The world would lead you to believe that it is impossible for women to share in loving, productive, symbiotic relationships. I think this is particularly true in portrayals of Black women, buuuuuut it’s fair to say that women of all races get a bad rap for how they interact with each other.

Blame misogyny. Blame patriarchy. Blame media.

For me, I think it is important to cast out these negative and false accounts regarding relationships between women. These accounts that portray us as overemotional, drama filled and in constant competition. I won't lie, I have had a bad interaction or two. However, over the course of my life it is my relationships with other women that have lifted me up and held me down. It is my relationships with women that have provided covering and protection.

2019, Celebration, Death, Emotional Health, Fear, Friendship, Family, Grief, Health, Identity, Life, Love, Mental Health, Nutrition, Self-Care, Self-Help

The Gift of Insomnia

I can’t sleep. It is currently 2:06am and ya girl is sitting at the kitchen table talking to you. Not that I don’t enjoy y’all, but you know. The room is the right temperature, my bed is super comfy and I’m freakin sleepy. Not to mention my handsome, lightly snoring husband is up there. Buuuuuuut so is my toddler. So there’s that.

It’s raining cats and dogs, which usually equates to excellent sleep. Not today. Today I am awake. Because this rarely happens to me— I know something is up. I’ve always been a night owl, but this ain’t that. I am not currently choosing to be awake. My mind is trespassing. It won’t stop wandering over my life.

I can’t sleep.

2019, Communication, Courage, Emotional Health, Fear, Health, Identity, Life, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Help, social media

Don't Worry Be Happy is a Song; Not an Antidote for Anxiety and Depression

I’m leaning into transparency and vulnerability today.

I want to apologize.

Life is hard. I don’t look at the world through rose colored lenses. I don’t think anyone should. I think you should work towards the life you want until you see the life you want. While I believe you can choose to be happy; I know it’s more nuanced than just deciding. For my friends and readers who are living with depression and anxiety. I see you. I am you. 

2019, Celebration, Communication, Emotional Health, Family, Friendship, Holidays, Life, Love, Media, Relationships, social media, Spread love

Social Media: The Great Alienator

Social media in theory is an amazing tool for enhancing relationships. Too many of us are using it as the canvas for our relationships when it should only be one of the brushes we use to paint. It’s one way to manage relationships; not the only way. It’s supposed to bring us together, but the truth is that it does the exact opposite. It gives a false sense of unity because you can see what’s going on in the lives of others even when you’re not an active participant. Some of our friends are at the end of their proverbial rope and we don’t know because we’re using Facebook pictures and posts to determine their mental and emotional well being. You think you know what’s going on, but you really have no idea. 

Smiling faces tell lies.

For me, it’s the difference between shopping online and walking into the store. From the comfort of your device you can see the color, size and fabric. That is good information. But… You cannot feel the weight of the material, the vibrance of the color or how it fits on your body. 

2018, Career, Fear, Identity, Life, Love, Mental Health, Parenting, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help

Social Media: Strategically Chosen Excerpts From Various Books of Life

I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again today. You are your only competition. The moment you start competing with other people; you've already lost.  The only person I want to be better than is the woman I was yesterday. And listen, I think the woman I was yesterday is pretty dope, but I know on this journey there’s always room for growth.  I cannot compare the today me against the today you because it is impossible to do and it just doesn’t make sense.

In scientific terms, when doing an experiment, to see the similarities and differences in something you would have to watch those things exclusively from start to finish; recording everything.  You would need to know all variables or things effecting the subjects of the experiment.  And therein lies the problem with social media. You can not see all the variables in the life of someone else. 

2018, Communication, Disease, Fear, Friendship, Haters gonna hate, Health, Identity, Life, Love, Marriage, Mental Health, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth, social media, Spread love, Work

Compromised Self-Esteem: The Birthplace of Hate

To be clear, social media doesn’t really make anyone hate their life.  You hate your life because you hate your life.  You continue to make the same choices, revisit the same places, roll around with the same individual and wonder why nothing in your life is different.  I believe Einstein had words to say about that kind of behavior.  He called it insanity.  Einstein was correct.  Imagine that.  Unfortunately, you haven’t heard the wise words of the late great Einstein.  So, you stay on the ferris wheel. Professing to hate every minute of it.  Screaming to get off.  Yet, never removing your safety belt.  Never standing.  Never being miserable enough to stop the revolutions.

2018, Death, Disease, Fear, Grief, Friendship, Health, Identity, Life, Love, Medical Professionals, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth, Spread love

Choose Life... Choose You.

I know the heart wrenching impact of suicide and the extreme, desperate heart and mind space one has to be in to make that choice.  I also have friends who suffer from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and perhaps other mental illnesses I know nothing about.  I worry about them.  I worry when they get to quiet and when they stay away too long.  I wonder if my phone is gonna ring with the grief of a parent or sibling telling me they’ve chosen their own final act on the stage of life—  I am sometimes terrified by the knowing… the knowing that no matter how beautiful, intelligent, witty and resourceful I find you— that if you don’t see it in yourself what I think doesn’t matter.