
2020, Communication, Death, Education, Emotional Health, Friendship, Grief, Identity, Life, Love, social media, Spread love

Misogyny, Like Water, Will Always Seek It's Own Level

Kobe is dead. That shit still hurts.

This week while Gayle King was interviewing Lisa Leslie she asked and assertively pursued a line of questioning in relationship to the allegations of rape against Kobe Bryant. The clip quickly went viral. Folks were deeply offended by the line of questioning, with Gayle prodding Leslie to acquiesce that Kobe was indeed guilty and that his legacy was tarnished. Leslie held her ground and reinforced that her friend, Kobe Bryant, would never have engaged in the behaviors that he had been accused of(The case was ultimately dropped). Folks are BIG mad at Gayle. Snoop Dog took to instagram to call Ms. King a “funky dog head bitch.” He went further to say, “Respect the family and back off before we come and get you.” 

End scene.

I only added the above paragraph to provide context. Although, I am not convinced that context is actually necessary to say what I am going to say next. We could insert any name into this interaction and my interpretation and response would be the same. It’s just that some folks start acting exceptionally obtuse when they are called out because the very delicate fabric of their moral slip is showing.

This isn’t about the allegations of rape made against Kobe. This isn’t about if Gayle King was right or wrong in her line of questioning. I have opinions about both. They do not matter.

2020, Career Goals, Celebration, Death, Emotional Health, Friendship, Family, Grief, Life, Love, Relationships, Self-Care

Grief is Just Abandoned Love

When death comes to visit, it can be so devastating. All we feel is loss. We feel that our heart bank is in the negative, but that’s just our pain. Grief is really just an overabundance of love that doesn’t have a receptacle to receive it. Think of a bottle filled with your favorite beverage poured right onto the counter…  The beverage is amazingly delicious and refreshing from a glass, but when you pour it onto the counter it makes quite a mess… an inconvenient, unpretty, unpredictable, nasty mess. The drink… is amazing when it has a place to go, but when the designated vessel is missing— the drink… the love… the thing that once brought so much joy suddenly hurts like hell. That’s grief.

I choose to believe that in each loss, when someone is taken from us… something is left behind.

2019, Celebration, Communication, Emotional Health, Family, Holidays, Life, Love, Mental Health, Relationships, Self-Care, Support Others

Sometimes the Joy of The Season Brings Sadness

The holiday season is fully upon us. There’s less than one week before Christmas and I am super excited. Christmas is a family favorite. Obviously, the children love it because… GIFTS. I’ve tried to provide the giving is better than receiving narrative and they think that’s great and all, but they’re children. So yeah… YAY GIFTS!!! Hahaha! 

I grew up in a house where Christmas was a big deal. I mean, multiple Christmas trees, decorations everywhere, gifts galore and the joy of the season in abundance. My mother orchestrated the production of Christmas and injected it into everyone around her. So, it still stands. The tradition is firmly planted. 

Imma be honest though. Christmas stresses me out. We have four children. That’s a lot of seasonal “joy” to spread around. And it’s not even all the money. Trust— there’s a lot of it being spent. It’s the doing of it all. And I’m conflicted; right? Because I love the outcome of the doing. I even actually love the act of doing, but it is also wearing me out. 

Celebration, 2019, Communication, Death, Emotional Health, Family, Holidays, Love, Life, Parenting

Grief and Gratitude a Marriage Made in Loss

Today, I am so aware of people who are in a state of missing. I’m thinking of people who are dealing with disappointment, loss and grief.

To be clear, there are many types of loss and grief with varying degrees, swinging like a wrecking ball on a pendulum.

And death isn’t the only pathway to grief. Grief can come from an anticipated loss. When you know that while you still presently have something, you will lose it imminently.

Consider folks who are in the process of divorce, a friendship that is on the rocks, abortion, layoffs, illness that causes loss of body function or lifestyle. Someone just found out their baby no longer has a heartbeat. Someone else has a home in foreclosure or found out their parent has 4 weeks to live. In the last month, I have heard of at least four different missing women. 

2019, Celebration, Death, Emotional Health, Fear, Friendship, Family, Grief, Health, Identity, Life, Love, Mental Health, Nutrition, Self-Care, Self-Help

The Gift of Insomnia

I can’t sleep. It is currently 2:06am and ya girl is sitting at the kitchen table talking to you. Not that I don’t enjoy y’all, but you know. The room is the right temperature, my bed is super comfy and I’m freakin sleepy. Not to mention my handsome, lightly snoring husband is up there. Buuuuuuut so is my toddler. So there’s that.

It’s raining cats and dogs, which usually equates to excellent sleep. Not today. Today I am awake. Because this rarely happens to me— I know something is up. I’ve always been a night owl, but this ain’t that. I am not currently choosing to be awake. My mind is trespassing. It won’t stop wandering over my life.

I can’t sleep.

Celebration, 2019, Communication, Death, Family, Friendship, Emotional Health, Grief, Life, Love, Relationships

Funerals: A Display of Love or Regret???

I returned to my thoughts from the funeral I attended days before. Why are we more compelled to spend time celebrating a persons shell rather than the actual living person? How are we showing up in the lives of people we say we love while they are still living?

I guess I just want us all to think about the cost of being too busy. Too busy for a phone call, too busy to visit, too busy to have lunch, too busy to sit a while longer, too busy, too busy, too busy…  

KD Bowe, an Atlanta radio personality made a Facebook post, on 1.24.13 following the death of his mother. I will never forget his words. It reads in part:

“At this stage in my life, I just stay busy. The ironic thing is I did in death what I could never seem to find time to do in life … I made time to come home for a week.”

I imagine his mom would have preferred he come home for a week while she wasn’t laying in a casket… he clearly does too. This is no indictment on KD Bowe. No shame. No guilt. He is living his choices. Still, it begs the question…

Why do we make time for dead people and excuses for the living?

2019, Career Goals, Children, Communication, Courage, Death, Education, Emotional Health, Family, Fear, Goals, Grief, Identity, Life, Love, Parenting, Race, Relationships, Self-Care, Television, Work

This Is Us.... Growing Up Black

Growing up Black is a be seen and not heard kind of existence. In my experience, to find a Black child with the authority to fully BE, in the presence of adults is the exception; not the rule. Control, rules, excellence and respectability are major components of the Black child rearing experience. Black children need to grow up with their shit together. This didn’t happen in a vacuum. It’s a direct result of slavery, Jim Crow, the Civil Rights Era and a post racial America *side eye*. The privilege of speaking about anything at anytime was snatched from us and whipped out of us on slave ships, auction blocks, in the fields and in the big house. 

Saying the “wrong” thing or being at the “wrong” place at that time could get an adult or even a child, literally killed— It still can. We have too many examples. Being seen and not heard is not a simplified way to parent; it’s a safety mechanism. Part of the Black experience is simply trying to keep your children alive in a way that it isn’t true for other races. The same is true of how we are steered towards career choices. Careers that are perceived as frivolous, i.e. dancer, artist or musician are not routinely supported.

2018, Celebration, Courage, Communication, Emotional Health, Fear, Goals, Identity, Life, Love, New Year, Self-Care, Work

Your Best Life Is Not In The Future

Love and time cannot be finished.

It follows that the time we get to live our best lives for our best selves is also incomplete.

I remember when Aaliyah died. I was so hurt. I met her once, but I didn’t know her. Still, I cried and lamented on a life lost way too soon. She felt like a friend. Her swag was ridiculous, we were close in age, and everyone loved her. Her death felt… close. 

The one thing that made me feel better after her death was the life she led. She came from a wonderful family. She experienced great love and she accomplished so much. Regardless if you liked her singing or acting— She did it all. Aaliyah was a successful, world renowned artist. She was going for it. She was striving to live her best life. I was so proud of her for that then… even as I failed to give myself the same gift.

2018, Children, Communication, Identity, Love, Life, Parenting, Relationships, Support Others

Our Elders Need Us to See Them

LISTEN…. I was stuck after she said her children were waiting on her to die so they could have her stuff.  Like, is this what seniors… what older parents are worried about???  Are children really taxing their beloved parents with worry about only wanting their possessions?  Are children really only seeing their parents when they need or want something?  Are children teaching their own children the same behavior?  Because you know they’re watching you; right?  They know your mother and or father live right down the street, but you won’t throw a glass of water when you ride by.  You know you will be on the receiving end of this one day; right? Ok then.

2018, Children, Communication, Death, Fear, Friendship, Grief, Holidays, Life, Love, Parenting, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth, Sickness

A Lesson In Empathy: The Almost Death of My Mother

I cannot imagine the turmoil, the pain, the absolute heartbreak of her absence in my life.  As Mother’s Day approaches many will be faced with the reality of more than “almost”.  They will wake up every single day with their beloved mothers still in heaven.  While the Christian thing to do is to rejoice knowing that she is with her heavenly father… the heart of a motherless child can hardly find peace; let alone rejoice.