self awareness

Children, Communication, Courage, Fear, Identity, Life, Love, Race, Self-Care, Self-worth, Support Others, 2020, Emotional Health, Mental Health

My World Unapologetically Revolves Around Me

That’s where I found myself… overwhelmed, sad and tired. So much so that I actually went to the doctor.  I thought I was sick. I told him that I was just so tired and no matter how much I rested; I never felt like it was enough. Then he asked me about my mental emotional state.  At first I was confused. Like, what do my emotions have to do with me being tired? Apparently, everything. My dear friend, restorative justice guru, Dr. Shaniqua Jones says, “Sleep won’t help if it’s your soul that’s tired.”. I don’t know if truer words have ever been spoken. My soul was tired.

I went home that day and reevaluated my… everything. I didn’t even realize how my inability to reconcile my choices against the expectations of other folks was effecting me. This is why it is so important to be dialed into yourself. You need to reflect and question yourself about yourself. 

2019, Courage, Emotional Health, Fear, Health, Identity, Life, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth

Your Organic Guide to Awareness... Yoga

Right up until the breathing I was like, “But when are we going to start doing yoga?” —Not realizing it started when I walked into the studio.

When I laid on the floor, breathing in through my nose, down into my belly, opening my rib cage… I stopped thinking about what was going to happen next. When I stood to learn Tadasana, a foundational yoga pose, I was so focused on my pelvis, the corners of my feet(I bet you didn't even know your feet had four corners. I certainly didn’t.), and breathing— I literally wasn’t thinking about a single other thing. I need yoga because I know it’s gonna teach me how to truly BE with myself.

I am so ready for this added layer of self discovery.

2019, Communication, Emotional Health, Friendship, Family, Goals, Identity, Life, Love, Mental Health, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help

Elevated Consciousness Doesn't Need To Be Right

I wasn’t really mad about the letter itself. I was initially alarmed, but not mad. I became annoyed and irritated when the rep wouldn’t own that the letter was dishonest. What I quickly understood was that even though I was right; it didn’t matter. Also, Conner didn’t have the authority, awareness or capacity to apologize and I couldn’t make him. My feelings about this ultimately inconsequential situation were really about other people I have encountered in my life who are quick to deflect responsibility and refuse to own their mistakes and shortcomings. 

I allowed myself to be triggered. I became angry and frustrated because I have not healed the places in my heart where people I have been in relationship with wouldn’t be honest and own their shit. 

This is heart work, folks.

2019, Communication, Courage, Emotional Health, Fear, Health, Identity, Life, Love, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Help, social media

I'm Not Here Because I'm an Expert.

Here’s what I know. I know that in my past I have judged people for being in a way that made me uncomfortable. “Why is she so loud? Why does she always have something to say about everything? Damn.” These people usually irked me. They had not attacked me or been negative toward me in any way. And yet— I was annoyed.

I realized that my annoyance was about me; not them. It was directly related to my insecurities… to my fear. I was uncomfortable because these women were free in a way that I was not. They had either consciously or unconsciously decided that how they showed up in the world was not for the comfort of other folks. In other words— Their behavior was for them; not me.

2019, Communication, Courage, Emotional Health, Friendship, Identity, Life, Love, Mental Health, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help

The Inconvenience of Acceptance in Friendship

We need to talk. I’m not even sure where I’m going today. I just need to get this out. I want to talk about acceptance in friendship. Like, really accepting people for who they are. I don’t know about you, but I find it truly inconvenient. I have always been a person who had a strong sense of right and wrong. Not in a self righteous way. I’ve done plenty of wrong. It’s just… If people would just live life the way I think they should everything would be so much easier.

I love to see people live their best life… I believe in treating people well and I expect reciprocation.

The older I’ve gotten the more rigid I’ve become about what I am willing to accept in terms of integrity in relationships. Maybe that is in part because I have so much more to give now. These years have given me so much insight on how to be for others.

2019, Communication, Courage, Emotional Health, Fear, Goals, Health, Identity, Life, Love, Mental health, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help

Grow... Change... Evolve... Be More

I believe there is a distinct difference between growth and evolution. I see growth as one dimensional. It’s either yes or no, up or down, left or right. Evolution is a comprehensive, multidimensional web of changes in multiple directions that contribute to your all encompassing wellness. 

Growth is… I quit smoking because it’s unhealthy. Evolution is… The continuous pursuit of understanding and self awareness. Why did I begin smoking? What space was I trying to fill with cigarettes? Growth is movement on a chart. Evolution is the process of understanding that you have the power to create the chart.

To be clear, I’m here for all of it. Growth, change and evolution— Each declare: I am no longer standing in the same space. 

I am more.