
Relationships, Friendship, Self-Help, Haters gonna hate, Self-worth

Heal The Hater In You

It’s time for some self-reflection.  Hold up the mirror and hold that person accountable for the negative emotions felt when other people experience happiness you think belongs to you.  The real problem might be that you spend too much time watching the moves of others when you should be making your own. 

2018, Celebration, Children, Communication, Courage, Fear, Friendship, Identity, Life, Love, Parenting, Relationships

When Eagles Do What They Were Born To Do-- Give Them A Perch From Which To Jump

As usual, the problem occurs when we don’t communicate our feelings.  Instead, we go dark.  You cannot articulate your feelings and you won’t try because you think it actually sounds kinda petty.  We don’t make calls and we don’t take them.  Too busy either feeling sorry for ourselves or refusing to give people who love us the benefit of the doubt.  Although…. If you’re feeling some time of way the onus is on you to communicate those feelings.