2018, Career, Children, Emotional Health, Family, Friendship, Identity, Life, Love, Mental Health, Parenting, Relationships, Self-Care

Stay At Home Moms: We WORK!

I have worked in corporate America. I have worked in inner city classrooms of Chicago. Being a SAHM is still without question the hardest work I have ever done. This is in part because being a parent is more difficult than anyone lets on. My understanding of parenthood was incomplete… at times I think it still is. Being a stay at home mom is a 24/7 endeavor. From the time I wake up until I close my eyes, I am meeting the needs of someone who is not me.

Please don’t consider this a declaration of my unhappiness or complaint. On the contrary, being a stay at home mom is a gift. But it requires compartmentalization and understanding. There have been many days in this social political climate that I was grateful I didn’t have to go to work. Hell, sometimes I don’t even go to the grocery store because I don’t want to see the world. So, I know I would dread going to the office.

This isn’t complaining. This is me, sharing pertinent information. Also… listen carefully, I am not ignoring or minimizing the plight of working mothers. Most of them do what I do while working outside the home full time. For me, what I noticed and miss most was the drive to and from work. You know? Those small periods of time when I was alone to make uninterrupted phone calls or listen to music that is inappropriate for children who can talk. #JudgeYourOwnSelf

2018, Children, Communication, Career Goals, Identity, Life, Love, Marriage, Parenting, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth, Support Others, Work

Stay At Home Moms: A Read For Those Who Don't Get It

I don’t know where people get the idea that we have nothing to do or we’d rather be doing something else.  I literally cannot think of the last time I was bored at home.  Also, the idea that SAHM’s have “settled” or given up on their dreams.  Look into my eyes:  We are not being held against our will. I don’t need to qualify my life to you.  Worry about your deferred dreams. #JudgeYourOwnSelf