
2018, Abuse, Communication, Courage, Fear, Friendship, Identity, Life, Love, Mental Health, Relationships, Self-Help, Self-Care, Spread love, Support Others, Workplace, Race, Discrimination

The Party is Over Starbucks: It's Time To Clean The Kitchen

Today I am writing to reach the sensibilities and cognitive capabilities of good White folks.  The power to change the status quo lies primarily with you. You need to say something...  At your dinner tables, at your school board meetings, at the deli counter.  You know racists.  Your neighbors, family and friends express racially charged sentiments that apologetically end with, “you know what I mean.” Or “I don’t mean it like that. You know I’m not racist.”  You must call them out.

2018, Abuse, Children, Courage, Fear, Identity, Parenting, Self-worth, Work, Workplace

I was 16.

As I placed my hand on the doorknob to leave; he pounced around the corner out of nowhere. I immediately asked about the girls and the housekeeper. The girls were gone and he had given the housekeeper the day off.  His wife, a doctor, was at the hospital. I felt uncomfortable.  I didn’t know why.