
2018, Communication, Courage, Friendship, Identity, Life, Love, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth

Empty Handed Annie's and Andy's Have No Place Here

So when people came to our home to drink and eat and be merry, but didn’t share the love I didn’t understand. What does it mean to share the love?  Some might view this response as petty or punitive, but I’m just here to share my truth.  If my truth doesn’t resonate with you—you might just be the kind of person who doesn’t share the love.

2018, Communication, Courage, Fear, Friendship, Identity, Life, Love, Relationships, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth

Loyalty: The Overdrawn Emotional Currency

Since emotionally bankrupt people will never stop making withdrawals--  You need to close their account.  Walk away.  You don’t owe them.  Even financial institutions limit the number of times an account can be overdrawn.  Banks lend with the absolute expectation that what they lend is coming back. In fact, they require an additional fee in the event you don’t return what you took.  And after all that, if you still refuse to make good on the obligation, what does the bank do? THEY CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT.