Tasha Page Lockhart

2018, Celebration, Christmas, Death, Emotional Health, Grief, Health, Holidays, Life, Medical Professionals, Mental Health

How To Fight the Winter... Holiday... Lonely...Grieving... Blues

I’m a sunshine girl. The sun makes me feel invigorated. It makes anything that I am doing so much better. It’s funny because as much as I love the actual sun; I am a huge proponent of carrying your sunshine on the inside. I determine my mood; not the weather. I am the thermostat.

Still, I’m not feeling it today. Which proves the journey of positive thinking and practice is ongoing.

Reflection helps me to be more intentionally empathetic. As an individual who isn’t living with anxiety, depression or grief, but who still feels”UGH!” During repeated overcast days; how do folks who regularly live with these negative emotions feel?