
2019, Courage, Emotional Health, Fear, Health, Identity, Life, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Help, Self-worth

Your Organic Guide to Awareness... Yoga

Right up until the breathing I was like, “But when are we going to start doing yoga?” —Not realizing it started when I walked into the studio.

When I laid on the floor, breathing in through my nose, down into my belly, opening my rib cage… I stopped thinking about what was going to happen next. When I stood to learn Tadasana, a foundational yoga pose, I was so focused on my pelvis, the corners of my feet(I bet you didn't even know your feet had four corners. I certainly didn’t.), and breathing— I literally wasn’t thinking about a single other thing. I need yoga because I know it’s gonna teach me how to truly BE with myself.

I am so ready for this added layer of self discovery.