
2018, Courage, Emotional Health, Fear, Friendship, Family, Identity, Life, Love, Marriage, Mental Health, Parenting, Self-Care, Self-Help, Support Others

This Is Us... But Beth-- Beth is Me.

We need to re-contextualize strength. Like, what does it even mean to be “the strong one”?

Because it is NOT the absence of fear or pain or desire or disappointment. I believe that we have, in error, taken a patriarchal view of strength and applied it to our emotional sensibilities in an effort to make us appear less weak. They told us that strength and weakness cannot dwell in the same space. Men, for too long, set the expectation for tolerable behavior for women. Women are killing themselves to meet it. And women are cosigning this behavior. It must stop.

I am trying to negotiate an understanding of literal strength, figurative strength and the reality of my actual strength. What does it look like? What does it feel like? How have I previously misunderstood and in turn misrepresented strength. I am currently being forced to confront these feelings of wanting to be strong, solvent and also having to embrace that pieces of me breaking. 

2018, Career Goals, Communication, Friendship, Fear, Identity, Life, Love, Relationships, Television

Love Is__: Familiar Characters and Stories You Know

I’m serious.  Call me old fashioned or whatever.  In the new age of the “pick me” woman who’s willing to pay a man’s rent and leave the tip and wash her own car to prove that she’s worthy… be the opposite. Maybe I’m what’s wrong with women today.  Perhaps, I have been brainwashed by misogyny and patriarchy.  If you are not independently wealthy or are unemployed; you cannot afford to date.  How can you even find the time?  Where I’m from even when you don’t have a job you have a job… looking for a job.  My parents taught me this as a young woman.  I’m sure they impressed it upon my brother even harder because he's a man.  For the record, I don’t think broke women should date either.  It places you in a place of vulnerability where you do not belong.  FACT.