daddy's girl

2020, Career Goals, Celebration, Death, Emotional Health, Friendship, Family, Grief, Life, Love, Relationships, Self-Care

Grief is Just Abandoned Love

When death comes to visit, it can be so devastating. All we feel is loss. We feel that our heart bank is in the negative, but that’s just our pain. Grief is really just an overabundance of love that doesn’t have a receptacle to receive it. Think of a bottle filled with your favorite beverage poured right onto the counter…  The beverage is amazingly delicious and refreshing from a glass, but when you pour it onto the counter it makes quite a mess… an inconvenient, unpretty, unpredictable, nasty mess. The drink… is amazing when it has a place to go, but when the designated vessel is missing— the drink… the love… the thing that once brought so much joy suddenly hurts like hell. That’s grief.

I choose to believe that in each loss, when someone is taken from us… something is left behind.